]*>.*?<\/span>|<(?:object|embed|svg|img|div|span|p|a)[^>]*>'; public static $unicodeRegexp = '([#0-9](?>\\xEF\\xB8\\x8F)?\\xE2\\x83\\xA3|\\xC2[\\xA9\\xAE]|\\xE2..(?>\\xEF\\xB8\\x8F)?|\\xE3(?>\\x80[\\xB0\\xBD]|\\x8A[\\x97\\x99])(?>\\xEF\\xB8\\x8F)?|\\xF0\\x9F(?>[\\x80-\\x86].(?>\\xEF\\xB8\\x8F)?|\\x87.\\xF0\\x9F\\x87.|..))'; public static $shortcodeRegexp = ':([-+\\w]+):'; protected static $client = null; /** * Magic caller * * @throws \BadMethodCallException If the method doesn't exists in client */ public static function __callStatic($method, $args) { $client = static::getClient(); // DEPRECATED static::updateConfig($client); if ( ! method_exists($client, $method) ) { throw new \BadMethodCallException('The method "' . $method . '" does not exist.'); } return call_user_func_array(array($client, $method), $args); } /** * Get the Client * * @return ClientInterface The Client */ public static function getClient() { if ( static::$client === null ) { static::setClient(new Client); } return static::$client; } /** * Set the Client * * @param ClientInterface $client The Client * @return void */ public static function setClient(ClientInterface $client) { // DEPRECATED static::loadConfig($client); static::$client = $client; } /** * Load config from Client * * @deprecated * * @param ClientInterface $client The Client * @return self */ protected static function loadConfig(ClientInterface $client) { static::$ascii = $client->ascii; static::$unicodeAlt = $client->unicodeAlt; static::$imageType = $client->imageType; static::$cacheBustParam = $client->cacheBustParam; static::$sprites = $client->sprites; static::$imagePathPNG = $client->imagePathPNG; static::$imagePathSVG = $client->imagePathSVG; static::$imagePathSVGSprites = $client->imagePathSVGSprites; static::$ignoredRegexp = $client->ignoredRegexp; static::$unicodeRegexp = $client->unicodeRegexp; static::$shortcodeRegexp = $client->shortcodeRegexp; } /** * Update config in Client * * @deprecated * * @param ClientInterface $client The Client * @return self */ protected static function updateConfig(ClientInterface $client) { $client->ascii = static::$ascii; $client->unicodeAlt = static::$unicodeAlt; $client->imageType = static::$imageType; $client->cacheBustParam = static::$cacheBustParam; $client->sprites = static::$sprites; $client->imagePathPNG = static::$imagePathPNG; $client->imagePathSVG = static::$imagePathSVG; $client->imagePathSVGSprites = static::$imagePathSVGSprites; $client->ignoredRegexp = static::$ignoredRegexp; $client->unicodeRegexp = static::$unicodeRegexp; $client->shortcodeRegexp = static::$shortcodeRegexp; } }